According to a recent telephone poll taken by the American Institute of Stress, 80% of workers feel stress on the job, with nearly half saying they need help in learning how to manage stress. As a business owner, it is always in your best interest to keep stress limited and manageable in the workplace. Here are some tips:
- Recognize when employees are feeling stress. Some symptoms include feeling anxious, irritable, depressed, apathetic, loss of interest in work, problems sleeping, fatigue, trouble concentrating, muscle tension, headaches, stomach problems, social withdrawal, or alcohol or drug use. If you notice any changes in your employees, ask if you can help.
- Offer suggestions and solutions for stress relief. Contact your employee benefits insurance carrier to see if they can send a loss control representative out to talk with employees and set up a stress management program.
- Have non-required off site activities available for employees to blow off some steam. For example, you could set up an office softball team or all meet for daily walks during break time. You can also contact your local gym to see if they offer group memberships at a reduced rate.
- Reevaluate the required duties you have put forth in your employees’ job descriptions. Are you asking for realistic goals? Could you do the job you are asking your employees to complete? You may need to change the structure a bit in order to have a productive workday as well as less stress in the office.
Having stress can lead to health problems down the road. Preventing these problems now can help your employees maintain a happy, healthy lifestyle. Stay on top of it and you will also feel your stress level as an employer being reduced as well. Keep everyone safe by reducing stress.