Why Use An Independent Agent?

Why Use An Independent Agent?

In the world of online shopping and buy-by-the-price insurance coverage, why bother working with an Independent Agent? Although this method of shopping can be convenient and you don’t need to understand your insurance coverage to make a purchase, what are you...
I.D. Thieves Target the Young and Carefree

I.D. Thieves Target the Young and Carefree

Commonly, those individuals who worry about being financially compromised by identity theft are those who have developed a solid credit history. These folks have spent years making steady payments and wise investments to improve their score. They typically monitor...
Spread the Word – Not the Flu!

Spread the Word – Not the Flu!

We have all been a participant in this story. Either you are the poor soul avoiding the coughing, sneezing, flu-ridden coworker, or you have even been the sick employee yourself!  Once someone comes to work sick, give it a few days before the entire office is...
It’s Flue Season!

It’s Flue Season!

It’s flue season, so call in the chimney sweep! The weather has chilled, the wind is gusty, and soon the snow flakes will fall. When these ghastly weather conditions set in, there is no cozier place than near the crackle of a warm fire while sipping a steaming...