Paying full price for just about anything can sometimes feel as if you are not getting the best deal available. That may actually be true, even in the insurance world. There are certain things that may warrant a discount or policy credit on some of your insurance policies. For example:
- Adding a security system or other safety feature – Taking precautions to keep your home and family safe is what it’s all about. If the chance of having an insurance claim is lessened by having a security system installed, you could get a discount on your insurance.
- Taking a safety course – driver safety is important. Again, lessening your chance of an accident by taking preventative measures is a big plus to insurance carriers.
- Getting good grades in school– statistically, students with higher grades tend to be safer drivers. Your insurance carrier knows this fact and may give a lower rate or premium discount if you (or your insured child) maintain high marks.
- Carrying only the insurance you really need – When you have a mortgage or auto loan, you may be required by the bank to carry more insurance than you would have purchased on your own. Once your loan is fulfilled, talk with us about what insurance you might be able to reconsider.
- Receiving policy dividends– some insurance carriers offer dividends to loyal customers each year if they are available.
Be sure to ask if any policy credits or discounts are available to you on all your insurance policies. There may be new credits or discounts that were not available when you first purchased your insurance. Also, if you are not happy with your current coverage, please let us know. We will find the insurance coverage you need at a price that is agreeable with your lifestyle.