In your pursuit for insurance, you may be tempted by the commercials that promise very low rates that are “just a click away”. Going online for your insurance might seem easier, but there are other things besides convenience that you may want to think about:
- Price isn’t everything. Sure, the price of that online insurance policy might be appealing. But what are you getting for it? Does the coverage match what you currently have through your traditional insurance carrier? Does the online carrier offer any additional policy discounts, credits, or other perks that your insurance agent could find? Having a personal relationship with an agent who can research a policy to fit your needs and lifestyle can really help make your insurance more custom fit than an online point-and-click website could.
- Never compromise customer service. Think ahead to a time when you may need to file a claim. With a traditional policy, you can call and speak with an actual agent to discuss your claim. With an internet provider, what do you do?
If you do choose to go through an online carrier, be sure you know what you are getting yourself into before clicking that final button. Find out the reason why their rates are so low before you decide to buy. In most cases the lower price is due to their elimination of coverage or professional employees to help in your time of need.
We want you to know that you, our customers, are the most important aspect of the business. We want you to have the coverage you need at the time you need it. We are always available to answer any of your questions and discuss any concerns you may have about insurance. And we will continue to be here for all your insurance needs throughout the life of your policies and beyond.